Friday, July 8, 2011


Recently I have searching for more scripture songs.  I know that when a scripture has been put to song, it is hard to forget.  All during the week we play Steve Green's CD "Hide 'em in Your Heart" .  I want our minds filled with God's words.  

While contemplating all of this a friend that I hadn't seen since high school sent this  link!  It is a song that covers  the main ideas of the 10 commandments.  He learned it growing up and said he still refers to it.  

I also received CD suggestions from a mom whose son I taught while in high school.  He is now in college.  He has a heart for Jesus and for service.  His mom said, "he fell asleep many nights listening to these songs."

*these are not scripture songs  

1.  Cedarmont kids hymns (she did not recommend other albums by them)

2.  "Sleep Sound in Jesus" by Michael Card

3. "Come to the Cradle." by Michael Card

Coming soon, we are going to post some video's of scripture songs written and sung by Godfrey and Debbie Miranda!!!  I can't wait!  :)