Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Bible in our homes

The more I read, the more I realize that my job raising Calissa has a lot to do with my walk with God.  As I run after God, she will see, He will have victory in me, and He will live out His life within me.  We have such a wonderful, patient, and giving Father!   Here are some quotes that have given me direction with teaching the bible...

"Even when quite young, children notice; and if the parents show that the Word of God is not their guide and counselor,  if they disregard the messages brought to them, the same reckless spirit of, 'I don't care; I will have my own way,' will be shown by the children." Child Guidance  p. 509

"Do not think that the Bible will become a tiresome book to the children.  Under a wise instructor the Word will become more and more desirable.  It will be to them as the bread of life; it will never grow old."  Child Guidance p. 514

"Parents, let the instruction you give your children be simple, and be sure that it is clearly understood.  The lessons that you learn from the Word you are to present to their young minds so plainly that they cannot fail to understand. " Child Guidance p. 514

"The use of object lessons, blackboards, maps and pictures will be an aid in explaining these lessons and fixing them in the memory.  Parents and teachers should constantly seek for improved methods.  The teaching of the Bible should have our freshest thought, our best methods, and our most earnest effort." Child Guidance p. 516

 *  now we have so many more methods that can be used...

"Neglect anything of a temporal nature,(then it talks about unnecessary sewing and such being done away with)...but be sure that the soul is fed with the bread of life....  Make the Bible its own expositor, bringing together all that is said concerning a given subject at different times and under varied circumstances.  Do not break up your home class for callers of visitors.  If they come in during the exercise, invite them to take part in it.  Let it be seen that you consider it more important to obtain a knowledge of God's word than to secure the gains or pleasures of the world."  Review and Herald, Oct. 9 1883

Quiet Book

       Some wonderful friends, Becky and Judy Jarnes, made a very special book for Calissa.  Growing up we had quiet books and I had been wanting one for Calissa.  We got home one day and a very special package was at our door.  Calissa loves the book!.  I try to save it for the sermon so I can actually listen to it!  We have special books and activities that Calissa only gets to play with during church and this is now a favorite!

The fish and turtle can be put in the net.  The cup, fork, knife and spoon are all attached by Velcro too.

Queen Esther's hair is to be braided and the giraffe's spots are removable.

The tent zips and the Native Americans are great fun as well as the shapes that have their proper place.  

Flowers for arranging and a boat for building

Matching the heads with the proper attire and helping the bees into the beehive

Baby Moses hiding in the bulrushes and trying on some mittens

They put a surprise bag at the end so we could have something new in it each week!
A great addition to a church bag!!