Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chad Stuart, a pastor and good friend, has a blog that is really good for those who are interested.  He shares thoughts on things of God.  I am referring you to a post he wrote called "What My Parents Did Right."  He shares some good things to consider and apply. 
Sabbath Pajamas

We have previously posted on Sabbath PJ's but have added some elements.  On Friday evening baths are taken and then white pajamas, worn only on Sabbath, are put on.  While dressing we talk about how Jesus takes away our dirty clothes and gives us clean white clothes.

Some verses that we use to go with the lesson are: Zechariah 3:1-6, Rev. 3:4-5, 18

I know most people have special things for kids to play with during church, things they only get during church.  If you have anything that is special, that your child likes a lot, I would love to know what it is.  If you could send a picture of it to, that would be wonderful!  Thanks so much! .  

Monday, November 7, 2011

scripture songs

Heather Steinke, wrote quite some time ago about a CD she found.  The CD is all scripture songs and is amazing.  I have to admit that the other scripture songs I have are good but they are for kids.  I love this one!!  It is one of my favorite CD's and I hope this group continues to write more songs.  Heather says she leaves it in her car so while driving it is playing for her little one.  She says they are still not tired of it.  I highly recommend it!  You can find it here.  They allow you to listen to a sample of all the songs. 

If you like that, here are some blogs that she also recommends.  They have some great ideas and are very helpful.

Thanks so much Heather for all the great resources!  

Operation Christmas Child

Here is a great way to focus kids on helping others.  We are looking forward to doing this next week.  November 14-21 is the collection week.  You can find more information for packing your shoe box here.  We are hoping to make it a little party for the kids.